On Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 2:28 PM Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 1:11 PM Julian Hyde <jh...@apache.org> wrote:
> > Most of the projects mentioned so far have been “internal”
> Only because all the umbrella-derived projects haven't been mentioned. Most
> of that "spin out to a TLP" was done a decade ago, so they've been omitted
> from discussion.
> > - code developed to help run the ASF. “External” projects also go
> > straight-to-TLP and are more important because they have many more users
> > and greater impact on the world.
> >
> I recall only two "external" projects have gone straight-to-TLP: Serf,
> Zest/Polygene. I'm guessing Dave, et al, will surface others, if they
> exist. I would disagree with your latter statement; they went to TLP based
> on oversight, rather than on userbase/impact.
> I would suggest: the 90% of straight-to-TLP have been "internal" or
> "spun-out".

My rough cut:

Straight to TLP:
  Bahir, DRAT, Kibble, Orc, Serf, STeVe, Whimsy, Zest

  Ant, Avalon, Cocoon, DB, HTTP Server, Jakarta, Perl, PHP, TCL, XML

Spun out from elsewhere:
  Archiva, Arrow, Avro, Axis, BookkeeperA, Camel, Continuum, Excalibur,
  Forrest, Gump, Hadoop, HBase, HiveMind, HTTPComponents, JAMES, JMeter,
  Karaf, Logging Services, Lucene, Mahout, Maven, Mina, POI, Quetzalcoatl,
  Royale, Santuario, Shale, Struts, Tiles, Tomcat, Turbine, Velocity,
  Web Services< Xalan, Xerces, XML Graphics, Yetus, Zookepper

Non-code PMC:
  Attic, Community Development, Incubator, Labs, Public Relations

- Sam Ruby

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