We have always had a mindset that we (the foundation) want to make it as "brain 
dead easy" for people to download, use, and consume ASF projects. This means 
that they don't need to worry about compliance, IP provenance, etc.

Incubator releases are a special case. The expectation is, and should be, that 
these releases may have issues. In fact, it is quite likely they will. Again, 
as long as those downloading these releases are aware of that, and we've done 
all we could to ensure that they are aware of it, then we have satisfied our 
requirements. IMO, with the naming and the DISCLAIMER and other such touches, 
we are achieving that.

And they are, in fact, *releases*. We need to recall that one function of the 
foundation, and PMCs, is to provide legal protection to those who are creating 
the software artifacts, and when a release is done, as a "formal" act of the 
foundation (via the PMC), it is when they legal coverage is at its most clear 
and explicit. So in order for those within the podling to enjoy the legal 
protection this foundation exists to provide, these do need to be releases. I 
would be opposed to not providing such coverage for those in our podlings, 
since they should be safe spaces to learn about the Apache Way and how to build 
communities and how to release software.

This does NOT mean that the IPMC should be gatekeepers though... Just as PMC 
chairs are the "eyes and ears of the board", mentors are the "eyes and ears of 
the IPMC". The IPMC "vote" should be little more than a formality. IMO, if 
mentors are IPMC members, and there are at least 3 binding votes on the podling 
list, and the mentors are acting as IPMC members when they vote, then any other 
additional vote in the IPMC is not required... in essence, consider it like 
extending the vote for a lazy consensus, so to speak:

   "The Apache Podling Foo has voted on releasing Foo 1.2.2 (url and pointers 
here). We have 3 (or more) binding votes from mentors. We are giving the IPMC 
and additional 72 hours to vote on said release."

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