IMO, involuntary mailing list subscription is not the right choice. ...
Just take your list of AWOL non-responders to the Board, and ask if there
are any objections to placing them on a "removal" resolution for the
February meeting. The Board may provide some guidance/steps to take. Or
they may say "roll with it. submit a resolution".

In other words, go with the least imposition on the missing IPMC peeps.
Assume they're just not interested, so they didn't respond to you. Putting
them onto a mailing list could anger them (think about it: would you be
happy, if I subscribed you to (say) And take
the position they can be re-added to the IPMC, any time, if the (upcoming)
removal happened to be in error.


On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 5:24 PM Justin Mclean <>

> Hi,
> > There is another (perhaps more obvious) solution and that is to sign
> these people up to the mailing list.
> I’ve not had any feedback on this, so unless someone else has some input,
> I’m going to assign lazy consensus applies and this is what I’m going to do:
> 1. Subscribe all missing IPMC members to the private list
> 2. If some complain ask if they want to continue to be IPMC members
> 3. If too many complain, remove them and discussion with the board on the
> possibility of removing these IPMC members. This would involve contacting
> them again so they are clear on what would happen if they don’t sign up.
> Thanks,
> Justin
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