Thanks Justin!

Docker Images and Downloads Stats

- These images are indeed only used for testing purposes.
  Note that there are more than 150 PRs every month, results in more than
  tens of thousands of tests being triggered.
  Every now and then the CI machine need to pull the fresh new image after
  the cache is cleared. So it is understandable that they have more than 4K
- As a additional note. The image DOES NOT contain TVM in any form. It only
  the build env that makes it easy to build tvm. So even if someone want to

Advertisement of Docker Page in the Docs
- As you rightfully points out, the installation page advertises the docker
  however note that the majority of the docker page contains instructions
to build
  the image from source, which is totally fine because source are 100%
Apache compatible.
- When docker image is referred in other place of the documents, they
refers to the docker image
  build from the Apache source release[2].
- Base on the same rationale of priorizing Apache compatible branding over
  we always first mention how build from source first.
- When reference to thirdparty image is mentioned, a clear disclaimer is
being used
  indicating that they are not apache release.

- [1]
- [2]

On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 4:24 PM Justin Mclean <>

> Hi,
> On that installation pages it does says "We provide docker utility scripts
> to help developers to setup development environment. They are also helpful
> run through TVM demo and tutorials.” and "You can find some un-official
> prebuilt images in” IMO this doesn’t
> match with them being just CI images used for testing.
> With the documentation I note in one place it says "to use the official
> Docker Image.”
> Thanks,
> Justin
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