
> (1) PPMC members not subscribed to the private list.
> I have no way to see who is or isn’t on the list

Whimsey should show that to PMC member with a * next to their name. Currnly 
still not subscribed are:
Aaron Suddjian
Bogdan Kyryliuk
Chris Williams
Daniel Gaspar
Serena Jiang

There is also a ralme...@gmail.com subscribed who doesn’t seem to be on your 
PPMC, they probably should be removed.

> (2) Synchronous Meetings

The biggest issue I see is the this is not being announced or discussed on the 
mailing list and what is discussed in those meetings is not brought back to the 
list. Having these external discussions is a huge barrier to people who want to 
contribute to the project but for one reason or another (e.g. time zones or day 
job or other commitments) can’t attend that meeting. By having these you are 
basically limiting people who can attend to full time employees paid to work on 
the project in a similar time zone, that excludes a lot of people.This was 
mentioned as an issue in a previous board report but nothing seems to have been 
done about it. One of the core values of Apache projects is that discussions 
need to be asynchronous and inclusive. It would be helpful if your mentors 
added their thoughts about this.

> (3) Links to other companies
> I’ve reached out to our mentors (via the private@ list, in case we can get 
> any other input as well) on the issue, and hope to hear back soon about how 
> other TLPs (e.g. Drill, Airflow, Beam, and surely more), have surmounted this 
> logo usage issue.

I’ve seen this handled in a few ways, either it put on a page other than the 
main page or they don’t link to those companies. also be aware that some 
companies are more protective of their trademarks and you may even need to get 
permission to use their logos in this way.

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