Hi Justin,

As per the PPMC responsibilities for brand stewardship [1], I’ve reviewed the 
steps for reporting potential misuse of ASF marks [2]. This particular instance 
probably falls under the umbrella of “obvious problems”, or at least I’ll 
assume so, since it was brought up by a mentor. I’ve reached out directly to 
the person responsible for the DockerHub image(s).

The guide for contacting third parties [3] seems to suggest a "Software Product 
Infringement” template be used, but I’m not seeing a link to that anywhere. 
Based on the other templates I DO see, which seem a little… legal… I’ve stuck 
to the basic directions in [2] of sending a “friendly” email (AND Slack 
message, in our case), in private, to the community member. This outreach only 
happened quite recently, so I’ll give them a little time to react before taking 
further steps involving trademarks@ and private@.

TL;DR: I’ve reached out, and I’ll keep you posted!



[1] https://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/responsibility#responsible
[2] http://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/reporting.html#pmcs
[3] https://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/templates/

Evan Rusackas
( he | him )
Frontend Lead
Preset | preset.io
On Oct 14, 2020, 9:34 PM -0700, general@incubator.apache.org, wrote:
> Those three seem fine. They are fine but there is still an issue with 
> branding/trademarks and some docker images. What is the PPMC doing about this?

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