>> TB40 The project performs some monitoring of 3rd party use of its 
>> trademarks, addressing any instances of misuse.
> Do you have some examples of how podlings or TLPs perform this today?

This varies from project to project:
- Some projects have PMC members working at a company who use their trademark, 
and they make sure that things are correctly done.
- Some projects have people who actively look out for these types of issues and 
report them.
- Some projects are more active and set up automated Google searches and the 
- Not all issues occur on web pages. Some of these issues arise at conferences 
or 3rd party events and are often noticed by PMC members or ASF members.

> It's unclear to me how I can understand and follow this guideline:
> Shall the PMC check over the Internet? Is any 3rd party even with a
> very low page rank should the PMC spend time to address it; or else
> the PMC fail to meet this guideline?

Yes, in most cases, the PMC should spend time addressing it. This is described 
in full at [1], how the project wishes to implement this is up to them.

Kind Regards,

1. https://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/responsibility

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