From: Endre Stølsvik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> So you (Jakarta) rejected Jboss. I didn't know that. How 
> incredibly smart
> of you. 

Ah yes, the incredible science of predicting alternative

How do you know that JBoss would have worked within Jakarta?
Maybe the JBoss developers would have clashed with the
culture here, and stopped working.

It is possible that JBoss is doing well *because* it is
a separate project, outside of the ASF.

Regardless, I don't think people have lost out.
JBoss exists, people can use it.
What would have been gained by making it part of Jakarta?

> Think about the synergies between Tomcat and Jboss!!!
> Wow! Incredible.

You can find synergies anywhere you want.
It doesn't mean that the project is a good fit at Jakarta.

>   It's just that Jakarta seems to be accepting and rejecting 
> according to
> what you - the *main* man - want..

I would hardly call Jon the "main" man.
But he is a member of the PMC which means he gets a vote.
And his vote carries no more weight than anyone else's.

You really seem to have some personal issues with Jon, how about
you take them offline.

We all know that Jon tends to be blunt and has a knack for offending
people. I believe that Jakarta would be better served if he toned it
down. But endless discussions on this list are not going to change

The Apache projects are meritocracies, people have influence based
on their contributions. Jon has contributed a lot and that is why
he is an ASF member.
This is how apache works - deal with it.

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