----- Original Message -----
From: "Berin Loritsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> lloyd wrote:
> >>Wow. It would be really great if you wrote an email that made some
> >>
> >
> > Having lurked on this list for awhile, I'd say it would be great if you
> > could get through one e-mail exchange without being an asshole.
> Not again.
> People, even if you don't like Jon, can we just let this one go please?
> I don't want to see YAFF (Yet Another Flame Fest) on netiquette.

Never mind, if people want to flame with jon, just go for it.  But at the
end of the day, they will learn *a lot* ;-)

I'd seen this before, in jserv, tomcat-dev and now general list, people had
flamed with jon and still stayed in the list is now getting more mature(and
so does jon), and still willing to contribute to the community with their
technical excellence.

I got this impression is that a few months ago, while jon was on a flame
with another guy, one contributor/committer humorously stated jon was "still
a pain in the *ss".  That contributor/committer had a endless flame with jon
before (may be almost a year before?).   But at that moment, I felt that the
two guys seems to have certain respect with each other....  ;-)

And I would say, seeing a true story like this, it was a great joy.


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