On Tuesday, December 11, 2001, at 03:19 PM, lloyd wrote:

>> In my opinion, if you haven't contributed anything, then you are
>> just leeching off the hard work of the many individuals behind the
>> Jakarta project
> What does one's relative standing in the Jakarta project have to do with
> how you conduct yourself with other project members - or even "leeches",
> for that matter?  It's not like anyone here stepped out of the womb with
> code to contribute.  Presumably they were users first, and then became
> contributors.

jon provides training (in his version) of the way. jon's training methods 
might be considered harsh by many but they are educational. people 
contribute in many ways, not just by coding. for example, if you'd 
answered the original question (before jon had to) then this war would 
never have started and the original poster would have gone away a little 
bit happier. instead, you decided to post a personal attack on jon. 
personal attacks are easy. writing good answers is hard and takes time.

> I have no idea what your past contributions have been, and it isn't
> relevant.  The question is: how much talent have you driven away with
> your insults?

development at apache is very much in the open. having to take 
responsibility for your contribution - whether it's code or mail posted to 
the mailing lists - is very much part of the deal. if you can't take the 
heat, then get out of the kitchen.

> I don't expect anything to change, of course, so I guess the best
> recourse is to offer a suggestion to your defenders:  please, when this
> happens in the future,  contact the original poster immediately and
> explain things.

if you want things to change, then you need to do something about it (am i 
sounding like jon? ;) if you were to answer newbie questions - to the best 
of your ability - then jon wouldn't have to make time to answer them. 
there's something in it for you too, since you'll learn far more by 
answering questions than you will by lurking. everybody would be a little 

- robert

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