On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, robert burrell donkin wrote:

> if you want things to change, then you need to do something about it (am i
> sounding like jon? ;) if you were to answer newbie questions - to the best
> of your ability - then jon wouldn't have to make time to answer them.
> there's something in it for you too, since you'll learn far more by
> answering questions than you will by lurking. everybody would be a little
> happier.

This version of this same old thread isn't going to accomplish anything.

However, as a person who has been around Apache for a long time (including
working with Jon directly on Apache JServ), as a person who contributes a
lot of code also, and as a person who *does* take the time to do what
Robert suggests and answers user questions (striving to do so in a manner
that is polite and respectful, and *usually* succeeding at that), I'm
going to add one and only one comment.

I vastly respect Jon's contributions to Apache -- but I'm disappointed
that he doesn't seem to care that his approach to email makes the overall
community smaller than it otherwise would be (due to people not being
willing to deal with his style).

Now, I'm going to go back and start writing some more code (and answering
some more user questions).  I suggest we all do the same.

> - robert

Craig McClanahan

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