On 10 Dec 2001, Kevin A. Burton - burtonator wrote:

| Give jon a break.  With all the hard work he has done he at least deserves the
| benefit of the doubt on all these e-mails.

What about the times when there is no doubt? When he just behaves totally

| When you come close to 1/5th the amount of work he has done for Apache then you
| can judge.

This is the stuff I just cannot understand. Being a good coder and good
committer actually gives you the _right_ to be an a.... .. not nice to
other people on the Jakarta email lists? People that come here for the
first time, doing the wrong thing, posting to the wrong list or something,
they should only expect to be flogged hard by Jon, right? Because he has
earned the right to be rude?

I don't get that.

You jakarta folks should post this on your website, something like: "After
serving the Apache and Jakarta community for about 5 years, you earn the
right to be an asshole. This not only gives you unlimited possibilities to
hurl shit into all Jakarta email lists, but your fellow Jakarta members
will even defend your opinions and your new-earned rights to the bitter

But this time I don't think Jon was that bad, though.. Just a bit rude.
Not a complete asshole, as many other times..


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