Hi everyone,

Thanks for the email, and also Jon.. ;).. I just want and try to integrate
the PMC model with JBoss, and my own model..I think this will be a good
model, even for my company that use several open source project component.

I just want to compare my experience in managing project and Jboss model
with Apache model..

JBoss (Marc) wants to full time in JBoss, buy commercialing Documentation,
and want to add forum to his web site (we will see it soon).. because he
don't agree with Apache model (volunteer). I think that is true..

But, I see there is a good and bad things in every model, esp, when the
leader is gone (like my sample is Stefano, and I found Kevin the
burtantor --- never get his commit in his Jetspeed in this year.. except his
email for launching a OpenPrivacy.org - busy with Reptile :) ....)...  Hi

The cocoon development still continue...and the cocoon 2 is better, but.. I
have to scratch all the cocoon project because using cocoon 1.8.3..I work
for 1 year for that.. learn from how to install, and try to learn behavior
of Cocoon...

This happen in Jetspeed from 1.3a1 to 1.3a2, but thanks they only change to
.xreg, extension only..

But, where is the draft of the xreg?? I just can find it in proposal folder
in CVS..

- Is there a way that in progress from the PMC, to increase the rapid of
development of their project using this method (I call it traditional
method) for a developer not in commiter level?? So all developer who
interest with development of open source can learn the project in faster,
may be 1-2 weeks, and after that can try to play around with the code..

Several people can read the code, but my approach in my company, try to make
like a pseudo code or diagrm to explain of it, before the script is created.

- I try to create a model, because several of my software is based on Open
Source Project (Cocoon, Jetspeed).

This is the hierarchy..
PMC (We called it solution leader) --> Program Manager --> Project
Manager --> Project Leader (always 2, Techical Leader, and Project
Coordinator / Documentator --) --> Commiter (Senior Developer) -->
Contributor (Developer) --> Developer.

I see Sun's Java, implementing specification for Servlet, J2EE, etc..and
after the final spec, they create a software, where i cannot find it in
Apache.. I see there is several project's proposal in JavaDoc, I think this
is not a good solution. isn't it???

But, honestly, the apache project, is more interesting, but harder to
implement.. esp for an user that want to use more than 2 project in their

I think, if there is a new way of development (may be in Apache), where
someone responsible to a tips and trick of beginner guide of a project,
there will be hundreds new developer involve with the project, and may be
more contributor, and may be more developer.. or something clear track from
version to version...

Or, may be do you want to keep it, because may be the Open Source Project,
or may be Microsoft will steal it... :(, I don't think this is a good..

Because, I cannot find a proposal track that will be implemeted in every
project in Apache, but I get it in JBoss, when JBoss want to add JMS

Is my brain think good??? I just want to share what i think to all of you..
Feedback is very welcomed.

Oke, sorry the email, think postively of this, sorry if there is a negative
think of this..I just want to make it clear..

Frans Thamura

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin A. Burton - burtonator" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jakarta General List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: Comment for Apache.org

> Hash: SHA1
> "Paulo Gaspar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > The list is named [EMAIL PROTECTED] and not
> >
> > Ok, I suggest the creation of such mailing list and the creation of
> > a "Jon" page explaining the whole "Jon issue"... linked from Jakarta's
> > home page, of course.
> <snip>
> Hm... Is Jon becoming the Richard Stallman of the Apache Software
> ;) ;)
> ha.
> - --
>              Location - San Francisco, CA, Cell - 415.595.9965
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>   -- famous Zen Koan
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