Jon Stevens wrote:
> As for me fixing Jakarta...I'm not sure I have enough people interested in
> helping fixing Jakarta. For example, Sam (our current leader) and others see
> nothing wrong with the current process. I'm also not certain I have enough
> energy to fight anymore...especially now that we have so many people willing
> to give their $0.00 opinion and not back that up with action.

I certainly see things wrong with the current process, but apparently since
I don't see the same issues that you do as critical, I therefore see
nothing wrong.

In my, admittedly biased, perspective, I see significant improvement in
terms of community over the course of the past eleven months or so.  For
starters, the following results would have been inconceivable at the time:

I also see an initiative by Ted and others to build a commons are which
promotes reuse.  Conscientious objectors notwithstanding, they plow
relentlessly ahead, continuing to make incremental and enduring progress.

Meanwhile, I will repeat something I said on this list three days ago:

   Be forewarned that the Apache tradition is to allow people with enough
   "fire in their belly" to tackle a particular problem that is important
   to them the freedom to do so.  If the problems you see are something
   that you feel need tackling and the only effective way in which this can
   be accomplished is for you to become the Jakarta PMC chair, then I could
   certainly arrange for an election to take place.  I can't guarantee the
   results of the election or the success of your quest, but I can do my
   part to enable you to pursue your goals.

   Think about this for a while, and let me know if this is a path you wish
   to pursue.

- Sam Ruby

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