
You are right "stop creating new projects" does not
solve the "Validator" problem. However, stopping the
creation of new projects might have long term effects.
The effect might be increased collaboration or
alternatively everyone leaving. It is a
dangerous/stupid/daring (pick your choice) rule
indeed. Regards, Ceki


--- Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ceki Gülcü wrote:
> >
> > Jon,
> >
> > I share precisely the same concerns. Thank you for
> standing up on this
> issue.
> > What do you suggest we do? I mean concretely.
> >
> > My first suggestion would be to stop creating new
> projects, starting
> *today*.
> > If someone wants to contribute code, they do that
> within the framework of
> an *existing*
> > project. If that is not possible, then they do it
> somewhere else.
> Regards, Ceki
> Come again?
> Recap: David Winterfeldt innocently began moving
> code from an existing
> subproject that he is a committer to (struts) to the
> commons (another
> existing subproject), unaware that Intake existed
> inside Turbine (a
> subproject that he is not a committer to). 
> Validator has been a part of
> Struts for over a year, and has been independent of
> Struts for six months.
> David became an Apache committer in September.
> How does your proposed solution, i.e., "stop
> creating new projects" solve
> this problem?
> - Sam Ruby
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