Peter Donald wrote:
> > > > So are you proposing to become a log4j committer?
> > >
> > > Would there be a point to that?
> >
> > It depends on whether and how you want to contribute.
> > There still is a lot of work to do. Ceki
> And theres the rub.

These one (or two) line answers don't do much to illuminate the issues.
Let me try to rectify this:

Ceki, fundamental to Avalon is a design pattern that is referred to as
"Inversion of Control".  This is fairly concisely described at the
following web page: ,
including an example which maps this concept into exactly this domain.  Can
you conceive of any possibility where you and Peter could work together on
a "log4j v2.0" which conforms to what amounts to a set of restrictions on
what a component can do?  Your answer above indicates that you have
preconceived notions as to how you would limit Peter's freedom to
participate.  Care to elaborate?

Peter, as you are well aware, I'm not overly thrilled with the way that
Avalon has participated in commons either.  I have been unable to locate an
adequate archive to point to, but recently I felt compelled recently
(2001-12-26) to write the following words:

   There are quite a few projects under the Apache umbrella that I see as
   simultaneously unwilling to depend on others, and puzzled that more
   people are not willing to depend on them.

   > Do I want to increase the Avalon community?  Definitely!  I don't see how
   > moving Avalon code outside of Avalon increases *Avalon's* community.  I can
   > see how it increases *Commons* community.


   Turbine and Struts are generally polar opposites, but at least they can
   share a set of collections classes.

To drive this point home, the subject line of this thread identifies
exactly one such set of duplication - between Turbine and Struts.  My
nagging lead Berin to propose moving the Avalon collections code into
commons, to which you responded, and I quote, "+/- 0".

You can say all you want that you predicted how commons would turn out -
but lack of participation by people such as yourself have made such
predictions self fulfilling prophesies.

- Sam Ruby

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