Danny Angus wrote:
> In my experience the best compromise is often to fragment the community,
> have lots of small groups where concensus will get the job done, and hang
> these together, but as this is pretty much what we have here already I find
> myself asking the question; what role do the PMC members see for the PMC? Is
> it simply a sub-project charged with developing communication/process
> between sub-projects, or do you want to exert control and leadership over
> the sub-projects?

As a PMC member, it's my feeling that while the PMC is responsible for
the "active management" of the Jakarta Project, we are not directly
resonsible for the active management of the subprojects. Them that make
the code make the decisions. 

As a PMC member, I try to encourage subprojects to work together, but
don't believe that this can be dictated without sacrificing the core
Apache mission:

"to ensure that the Apache projects continue to exist beyond the
participation of individual volunteers, to enable contributions of
intellectual property and funds on a sound basis, and to provide a
vehicle for limiting legal exposure while participating in open-source
software projects."

I believe that the best way to ensure that our Project and subprojects
continue to exist is to allow Meritocracy to work. And I believe that
Meritocracy is working here. 

I also recognize that there is a community within Jakarta that would
like to create a web of strongly-aligned subprojects. I can see why this
would be a good thing, but feel that pursuing ~only~ that goal means
that we will have fewer codebases with fewer committers. This would not
not serve the implicit Apache mission of promoting Meritocracy as a
popular way to manage open source projects.

I was quite sincere when I suggested that perhaps there is room for a
Tigris-style Apache project. As they say, the third time is the charm.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Building Java web applications with Struts.
-- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
-- Web http://www.husted.com/struts/

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