'kay. Summary:
(everyone, please correct and add to?)

Here's a list of similar efforts that I know of...
   1) some kind of application platform
   2) 100% java
   3) open source)

goal:    provide open source J2EE server.
offers:  J2EE compliance, EJB, JMS, O/R-mapping, JNDI,
         JCA, JTA/JTS, JAAS, GUI Management (JMX),
         Servlet/JSP, Database, JDO
license: LGPL
url:     http://www.jboss.org
status:  release
notes:   huge developer community

goal:    provide portal solution built on J2EE components.
offers:  JBoss, Database, Servlet/JSP, custom portal
         server (dunno what it does as the installer
         fails on my win2000 box)
license: Jahia License (commercial)
url:     http://products.xo3.com:8080/
status:  (preliminary) release
notes:   Paul, seems like a shrink-wrap commercial
         solution to me???

goal:    provide open source web application server.
offers:  Servlets/JSP, Template Engine (XMLC), Sessions,
         Database connectivity, MVC Framework
license: Enhydra Public License (Mozilla-style)
url:     http://www.enhydra.org
status:  release
note:    dying slowly it seems, as Lutris is pulling out

goal:    provide BSD-style license J2EE server.
offers:  Servlets/JSP, EJB, Avalon
license: BSD-Style
url:     http://eas.betaversion.org
status:  alpha
note:    been dead a while now as backing company went

goal:    provide an open source alternative architecture to
offers:  Database, Pooling, Logging, Management, etc.
         (to be defined)
license: Apache-style
url:     none (will be sourceforge)
status:  conceptual

Candidate Components For Inclusion

Apache XML:

        Enterprise Object Broker
        Simper (soon, anyway)
        (...the list goes on and on...)



Clearly, there are loads. We need some criteria.

One thing I think OEB needs is formalization of
the patterns of choice in the form of core
interfaces. The two projects I know that deal
with that are Avalon and Turbine.

Another thing it needs is a definition of how it
"glues". Options are JNDI, SOAP, JMX, Avalon
Service framework, Turbine Services Framework,
CORBA...and I'm sure I'm missing a few.

Of those, of course _I_ am in favor of the
setup Avalon uses, but hey ;)

This e-mail is now officially more than long


- Leo

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Andrus Adamchik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Verzonden: maandag 25 februari 2002 1:27
Aan: Jakarta General List
Onderwerp: Re: The Complete Server Platform?

Tim Hyde wrote:
> Andrus,
> I'm 100% behind the idea of the complete platform, but I'm worried that
> proposal talks about 'Web Applications'.
> I believe that what's needed is an alternative to the very idea that J2EE
> (or even J2SE) is *the* definitive collection of java libraries, and that
> the project should offering a number of sensible alternatives for use in
> architecture.

We still will depend on certain commercial JVM's (Sun or IBM), right?

> Database access, Logging, and Development Process are three things that
> you've specifically mentioned that aren't particularly Web or Server
> oriented.
> Web Applications, or Server Applications, are more part of today's
> than inherent categories of how you make a computing solution, and we can
> expect things to move on during the lifetime of Java. Well, we can hope,
> anyway. :-)

You are right. I was mentioning Web applications just cause I wanted to
limit initial scope to something sane. And I guess because I am myself
is a better expert in this area then in any other. This would've helped
to concentrate on a certain solution-based approach from the beginning.
But I agree we can widen the scope as long as we can outline the
problems being solved.

> So, if possible, why not talk about a 'development and deployment platform
> for Java applications' - and then start off by assembling both the
> underlying 'component' toolsets and a number of combination-examples, such
> as the jGuru one Ted mentioned, and whatever else might emerge during the
> project as perhaps 'miniature live examples'.

+1, like I said above, I am for it if we define use cases we are going

> Naturally, server applications are the primary interest point initially,
> it would be nice to think that the collection of tools being provided for
> distribution would be offered as having wide applicability.
> In particular, I believe that if a thing like this is available *and gets
> marketed* (in the Red Hat sense) properly, we could start to see the
> weakening of the Dilbert idea that only vendor-supplied products are
> 'serious' tools.
> This *marketing* focus is the very thing I had settled on as being the
> logical conclusion of the recent threads (J2EE considered harmful,
> etc). A way to bring the marketplace to see that there are better
> alternatives than the Dark Lords. Hence the marketing side (meaning actual
> activity to spread the word and work in PR mode with the media) needs to
> a vital part of this project, needing volunteers of a different sort than
> technicians.
> But assembling the distribution first is very important, and I'm with you
> this.

yes, this should be the starting point

> One small extra: if a RedHat style toolkit distribution were available,
> number of independent consultants who could offer their support services
> would exceed the number available to BEA, for example, eliminating that
> argument that 'I buy where I can depend on getting support'. Well, we can
> dream, anyway.

+1. I am an independent consultant myself, and I would stick with a
technology that
- allows me to concentrate on customer requirements rather then
repetitive coding tasks,
- offers strong design direction,
- implemented most of the standard tasks already.

The only thing that would prevent me from using such technology is that
customer's CIO has never read about it in JDJ.

> I had been considering a project along these lines, and had thought of the
> name 'Tonic', both because it might revive a sickening architecture and
> because the Tonic (in musical terms) is where you want to go after the
> Dominant :-)
> But, if OED is the same thing, yes, what's in a name ? But, think
> eventually !!

I like the name Tonic, but I think Open Enterprise Distribution may
actually serve that same marketing goal better. It does sound ..umm..
serious or something :-)

- Andrei (a.k.a. Andrus) Adamchik
list email: andrus-jk at objectstyle dot org
personal email: andrus at objectstyle dot org

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