Moving slightly retrograde on the proposal (in case we missed something ...)

I think my suggestion for 'alternative to J2EE' probably muddies the waters.
There are a lot of candidates for inclusion, and it would be a horrible
mail-fest even to think about choosing them. One focus must be to make
selecting and evaluation a tool a relatively lightweight task for the
intending user - because if it's part of this platform, (s)he will *know* it

GJT comes to mind as something to be added to Leo's list of similar efforts,
and I expect the list would end up quite long.

Perhaps one thing that could be sensibly done is to strengthen the packaging
and market visibility of the things in the Jakarta family ? A great deal of
pre-selection has already been done, and there is already a project name -
Jakarta. 'Jakarta Development Kit' might not be the best proposal, but there
again ...

There needn't be any intention on 'family' grounds to exclude any other
toolset that was seen to be useful, but I can't quite get my head round the
difficulties of choosing candidates or the weakness of too much dilution.
Again, these are things that Jakarta has inherently worked through.

Does this make the proposal any more practical ? Are there serious areas
which Jakarta is missing ?

Perhaps one of the more useful things we might be able to add are design
papers un-biassed by the issues of market orthodoxies - even to the extent
of pointing out areas where the Jakarta technologies aren't the best. Or is
that getting too altruistic ?-)

- Tim

----- Original Message -----
From: Leo Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jakarta General List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 25 February 2002 11:00
Subject: RE: The Complete Server Platform?

> 'kay. Summary:
> (everyone, please correct and add to?)
> ---------------
> ---------------
> Here's a list of similar efforts that I know of...
> (requirments:
>    1) some kind of application platform
>    2) 100% java
>    3) open source)
> JBoss
> Jahia
> Enhydra
> Candidate Components For Inclusion
> ----------------------------------
> Jakarta:
> Apache XML:
> SourceForge:
> Exolab:
> (...)
> Clearly, there are loads. We need some criteria.

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