acoliver wrote:
> I consider the statement "you just need to know where to look for" to be a
> symptom of improper information organization.  Such things should be *easy*
> to find.  Initiation into our community(ies?) has a higher barrier than I
> prefer, you can never have too much or too well organized documentation.
> (this is not to say that those who don't even read the web page before
> emailling committers "gee is POI written in Java"  won't still be
> challenged...and thats a good thing, but that those who are just simple
> minded programmers like me looking for a place to code or who want to know
> "do I have to donate my hello-world app based on" to look.

Any comments on this?

Note that there are two proposed outlines on the page. 

+ Following the Jakarta Way


+ The Volunteer Guides

In the latter, I'm trying to organize the material around the various
roles people play around here, from a user to a committer to a sys
admin, and have them build on each other. 

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
-- Developing Java Web Applications with Struts
-- Tel: +1 585 737-3463
-- Web:

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