on 3/12/02 1:13 PM, "GOMEZ Henri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I went through the java.sun.com website and in about 30
>> seconds found the
>> licenses for the first 3 'no license' items below...you can do
>> the rest of
>> the work...
> Could you help us in such works since :
> - you were damn't fast on such hard task
> - you have many friends at Sun which could help you
> Don't forget that Guillaume and I are french and we may
> have sometimes problems in understanding all the subtilities
> of all the Sun licenses in english only.
> We'll be more than happy to have a french version of them.
> Nota that many others companies like IBM provide license
> in several languages to help their users / customers...

It has nothing to do with language barriers or who I know.

    - I went to each product on Sun's website.
        Ex: <http://java.sun.com/products/jms/>
    - I clicked the 'Download' link on the left side navigation.
        Ex: <http://java.sun.com/products/jms/docs.html>
    - I clicked the 'continue' button on the page.
        Ex: "Download the version 1.0.2b Source, API Documentation and Jar
             (the jar file has been added)"
    - I looked at the license and the words
        Ex: "You have chosen to download Java(TM) Message Service (JMS) API
             -- Javadoc 1.0.2b
             Sun Microsystems, Inc.
             Binary Code License Agreement"

> BTW, Guillaume and I want to know if we could or couldn't
> make the Sun jars available via jpackage project next
> to others free jars, with the final goal to have a ready
> to use Java distribution which will be a great benefits
> for all the Java community, both developpers and users.

The BCL states that you cannot make a distribution of the .jar file outside
of your product. In other words, if you want to distribute the single .jar
file, you can't do that.

"(i) distribute the Software complete and unmodified and only bundled as
part of your Programs"


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