Could we have two templates for the jakarta pages?  The problem is that
embedded tables inside tables inside tables inside tables ... approach
of the
default template causes many very useful pages to not print nicely.  We
a nice template that produces printable pages.  That means that the
will not do fancy things with tables.  It should be simple, using CSS to
style the text (this works on all 4.0 or better browsers), with only a
to the referring page.

I tried looking at the BCEL manual, and while it looks nice on screen,
when I
tried to print it out it cut off almost two inches of text.  With a
page template, we can run the templates twice.  Once to provide the
look, another to provide the printable page spec.

The problem with the BCEL manual presents itself in many situations,
such as
with the Turbine documentation, or just about any project.  That is why
on the
Avalon site we created a PDF document of our developer's doc.  It is
that users learn how to use our projects--and printable documentation
that possible.  I learn best when my reference material is on an 8.5" x
sheet of paper next to my machine so that I can refer to it as I am
in the source code editor.

To make things easier on ourselves, we could make all printable pages
show up
in a new window--then just have the printable pages close the window
they are
in when you click on the link.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
 deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                - Benjamin Franklin

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