On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 08:39, Berin Loritsch wrote:
> I tried looking at the BCEL manual, and while it looks nice on screen,
> when I
> tried to print it out it cut off almost two inches of text.  

Yup, that's my fault. I will remedy the situation with PDFs. A very long
time ago before Anakia we had PDFs being produced with stylebook. The
Turbine and Velocity docs were actually available in PDF format. Anakia
presented some problems that made it impossible to use the fop stuff we
created but that is different now with DVSL. Long story short: you will
have PDF docs for BCEL sooner rather than later.

> "They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
>  deserve neither liberty nor safety."
>                 - Benjamin Franklin
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Jason van Zyl


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