> > > In that case, the entire Jakarta site needs to be redesigned.
> > > It makes use of embedded tables and <font> elements.  It does
> > > not use CSS at all.

> > Correct.

> I don't know much about anakia, but I know more about xhtml and css
> than I do about java (sadly so =). I'll volunteer.
(note I tried to put this in CVS but have no karma so...)

Here's a design I've had lying around adapted to Jakarta. Two screen
shots using IE 5.5, one is normal the other is print preview. I should
be able to make this work (more or less, at least) in everything
from NS2.x upwards. HTML also available for browsing.

The main problem is the <code> sections. If the line is too long to
fit on screen or page, it causes the entire page to break out, which
is ugly. The only thing I can think of is to use a css "float: left"
directive with @print, which cuts of a bit of the code. That, and
adapting the pages manually to keep the line length at bay. Suggestions?

Of course, colors are adaptable to current ones if desired...

thoughts? Is this wanted?


- Leo Simons

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