
As a side note. I have heard good things about 
http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/ which is yet another persistence layer. 
Unlike all the other ones this does not force you to work within a particular 
model of development. ie It does not force you to regenerate sources (ie 
Torque), postcompile (ie Entity beans), or process it through bytecode 
augmenter (ie JDO). 

The persisted objects are simple java beans with setters and getters. The 
setters/getters need not be public but the system will only persist javabean 

Anyways it looks like a very kool idea but I have not yet tried it. And before 
I jump into it I was wondering if anyone else has had a go? The main thing I 
guess I am interested in is the performance as none of its docs talk about 
how they cache instances of javabeans or when the beans are made stale etc.


Peter Donald

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