Sander Striker wrote:
From: Nicola Ken Barozzi [mailto:nicolaken@;]
Sent: 21 October 2002 10:54


I agree that what you say is the most sensible and correct way...

The reality is that this *will* create tensions and flamewars.
Like we're seeing on reorg@.
Then you've seen nothing yet ;-)

Defining a different namespace will just make things easier, by avoiding stupid discussions like the one that is happening now, because there *are* people that just want to break balls as we say.


IMHO using


is a possible solution.

Also, when I say common_s_ I kept making errors in declarations because I expected "common" since it's a "common" namespace, not a "commons" namespace.

Well, I find 'common' not too far off to object to it.  We just have
to make sure that it is well explained* what the Common PMC is about,
since I can already see the confusion in such a name...

It does feel like jumping through hoops though to fix earlier mistakes.
Feels? ;-) It *is* hehehe

Therefor I still think Jakarta Commons should fix their naming scheme.
But that will have to be brought up there, not here.
It's completely impractical, and will hurt Jakarta immensely.

Oh, well, now that I think of it, this is only for projects that have already been released...

Other opinions?

Nicola Ken Barozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
(discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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