On 25/10/02 7:17, "James Mitchell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is it true that Marc had asked to move JBoss over and that it was not
> accepted?

Question floats around from time to time... It always ends up in someone
being flamed badly and nothing happening...

The "wishy-washy" relationship started when, IIRC, when back in the days
(the first time we were told to "join efforts") he called us something like
"old ladies drinking tea", or some stuff like that...

> I guess I was not around during that time (if it ever was).  I had sensed
> (from monitoring the Jboss-users and dev lists early this year) that there
> was a bit of ill sentiment towards the 'Jakarta Love Train' ;)
> I had heard rumors, but never knew what to make of it until I asked him
> directly myself at a JBoss presentation at the local JUG meeting a few
> months back, and his response was something like...."nothing but a bunch of
> Sun guys there", but I couldn't make out exactly what he said.
> Is any of this true?  Was Jboss rejected from joining Apache?

It's not true... I believe that the ASF doesn't want to have JBoss on its
list of projects, and JBoss doesn't want to move along and join the ASF...
>From time to time, someone happening to be in both communities at the same
time, thinks it might be a good idea to push for it, and does so...

But at the end, I believe that both communities are really divided and can't
be brought together... Both communities grew from the same seed, Java and
Open Source, but whilst one (Apache) has always been fond of its BSD roots
and moves along the lines, the Jboss one is actually more tied to GPL and
another vision of open source...

I think they both coexist happily in the world, but at the same time I don't
think any one of those should loose its credos to embrace the other
community way of doing things...

And plus, we're more polite, we don't call them "nothing but a bunch of
Fleury's adepts there", or "young kids drinking cocoa" :-)


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