On 28/05/2003 9:47 Pier Fumagalli wrote:

Going back and looking at the past 5 years, actually, I think that in this
case, the guy from Sun actually has a point (Rudy? Who the hell is he?).

Oddly enough in the J2EE/JBoss saga, I don't see Sun as being the "bad" guys
(but ok, some of us and Mark go back A LONG time)...

I concur that. The JBossGroup is playing a very tricky game, and some of what they do will reflect bad upon the entire Open Source community. Rest assured that Werner knows about these tricks since he was involved with JBoss in Europe from the beginning. I'm not a Fleury fan, neither, and his latest acts (the whitepapers, trying to lure committers into a commercial liaison with JBG) have confirmed my feelings.

Still, looking at JBoss (the project), I pretty much fail to see what arguments of Rudy (the SunBE local marketing guy) would still be valid if anyone else would come and present JBoss (the project).

Sun should be happy that people create cheap implementations of their APIs. If their own implementations would be any better, they might also be making money of them. ;)


Steven Noels                            http://outerthought.org/
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