>> Don't you think JBoss' huge success has something to do with Sun's
>> animosity? Every developer I know who has a say on the platform uses
>> JBoss: better product, better documentation, better support, lower
>> price.
> Don't read me wrong: I'm on the JBoss-side on this, in that *the
> project* should be able to present itself on a JUG event. When comparing
> *JBossGroup* with the ASF however (if that would be possible at all), I
> partially understand Pier's reservations. This doesn't mean SunBE is
> right on this, however. The fact a (pardon me) marketing lowlife
> believes he can silently get away with that is once again a great
> occasion to help such people see the cluetrain is arriving.

I *would* agree if the other vendors weren't being permitted.  I fail to see
what compliance should have to do with it.  Its a Javapolis not a J2EEpolis.

>> Do you think Sun Microsystems cares one bit about the well being of
>> Open Source? The fact that Sun is actively trying to scuttle a
>> successful OS project, JBoss in this case, is very disturbing.

This is the point.

> It is. And they will fail at it.

> Still, when daydreaming about JBoss, I happen to compare that community
> with ours. And I believe the testosteroid behaviour of its speaking
> puppet might be detrimental in the end.

Ha!  You mean that they donıt have enough testosterone to compete!  ;-)  I
like Marc.  He reminds me a little of someone here, but I don't think they
get along so I won't say who ;-)

> There's no black & white and deliberation should be made.
> </Steven>

Andrew C. Oliver
Custom enhancements and Commercial Implementation for Jakarta POI

For Java and Excel, Got POI?

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