On 28/05/2003 10:52 Ceki Gülcü wrote:

I concur that. The JBossGroup is playing a very tricky game, and some of what they do will reflect bad upon the entire Open Source community. Rest assured that Werner knows about these tricks since he was involved with JBoss in Europe from the beginning. I'm not a Fleury fan, neither, and his latest acts (the whitepapers, trying to lure committers into a commercial liaison with JBG) have confirmed my feelings.

Don't you think JBoss' huge success has something to do with Sun's
animosity? Every developer I know who has a say on the platform uses
JBoss: better product, better documentation, better support, lower

Don't read me wrong: I'm on the JBoss-side on this, in that *the project* should be able to present itself on a JUG event. When comparing *JBossGroup* with the ASF however (if that would be possible at all), I partially understand Pier's reservations. This doesn't mean SunBE is right on this, however. The fact a (pardon me) marketing lowlife believes he can silently get away with that is once again a great occasion to help such people see the cluetrain is arriving.

Do you think Sun Microsystems cares one bit about the well being of
Open Source? The fact that Sun is actively trying to scuttle a
successful OS project, JBoss in this case, is very disturbing.

It is. And they will fail at it.

Still, when daydreaming about JBoss, I happen to compare that community with ours. And I believe the testosteroid behaviour of its speaking puppet might be detrimental in the end.

There's no black & white and deliberation should be made.

Steven Noels                            http://outerthought.org/
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
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