Steven Noels wrote:

Don't read me wrong: I'm on the JBoss-side on this, in that *the project* should be able to present itself on a JUG event.

This is an interesting discussion. The New England JUG recently hosted Bill Burke, Chief Architect of JBoss Group LLC (<>) to talk about JBoss. With the exception of some (deservedly) proud comments evangelizing the JBoss/JMX design, Burke's talk was purely technical. The only time that the notion of JBoss Group LLC came into the picture was when someone asked if the slides would be made available online, and Burke explained that they would not, as they were directly taken from JBoss Group's instructional materials (which they sell).

I'm genuinely curious where to draw the line between the project and the business in this context.


PS: Although I hadn't considered this until I read the posted link, I found it strange that the talk was held at an alternate location (normally NEJUG meetings are held at the nearby Burlington Sun campus). Now I can take a guess as to why.

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