> I don't see the distinction between a PMC member and a committer.

<<grin>> You catch on quickly.  :-)  The difference is that a PMC member, as
a normative statement, has a binding vote on the project.  By allowing
someone to become a Committer, you allow direct contribution to the
codebase, but the PMC is overseeing it.  The Committer contributes, but does
not have a say.  So there is a natural progression from:

  Contributor (patches) -> Committer (authorized access) -> PMC member

> If the PMC membership requires legal and governing skills, I am
> not sure the PMC can attain vast majority.

It doesn't.  300+ Committers are already doing most of what they need to do,
without the benefit of being on a PMC.

> Is there a legal binding between a [PMC] member and Jakarta/Apache
> that does not exist between a committer and Apache?

Please see:
http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

        --- Noel

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