On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Harish Krishnaswamy wrote:

> Henri Yandell wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Harish Krishnaswamy wrote:
> >
> >
> >>If the aim of the PMC is to house a vast majority of committers, and if
> >>the role of a PMC member is simply to follow some guidelines and
> >>regulate development, I don't see the distinction between a PMC member
> >>and a committer. If the PMC membership requires legal and governing
> >>skills, I am not sure the PMC can attain vast majority. Is there a legal
> >>binding between a member and Jakarta/Apache that does not exist between
> >>a committer and Apache?
> >
> >
> > Yep. There is very little legal binding between a committer and Apache,
> > apart from the legal fact that the committer is donating code to Apache.
> I am sorry if I am being naive, but can it not be enforced that a
> committer should also be bound the way a member is? That way the
> responsibilities are borne by every committer and we could have a very
> small team of members for governance.

Depends what you mean by member here. ASF Member-ness is special and
something legal to do with the organisation. PMC member-ness, is meant to
apply to all active committers apparantly. Other Apache TLPs function in
this way [some, not all], and apparantly this is the way the PMC is
expected to behave. Basically any somewhat active, trusted committer
should be on the PMC.

> > By being an active committer, you are eligible. As for what
> > responsibilities are, attempts to define the role of a PMC member have not
> > gone well so far but will hopefully get there.
> I am sorry, I meant to say if I would qualify for the responsibilities.

Your call. As long as you're active, you pass muster to be on the PMC.
Whether you want to be is up to you and how happy you are joining
something that is not too sure about responsibilities etc.

I've seen nothing that says you can't quit at any time though, so I think
there's very little risk involved in jumping in.


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