Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

> it's good to see projects come out of Jakarta and continue
> to grow, and it's sad to see them leave, like when leaving
> a friend after a visit.

I understand.  And I understand why you view Jakarta that way.  Why do you
not feel that Jakarta could be an active community hub, as has been the
subject of several discussions?

> Jakarta will always have a PMC.  Unless the board changes the Jakarta
> PMCs responsibilities, the PMC will be responsible for the code and
> communications of Jakarta.

The Jakarta PMC must oversee all codebases within its "project."  This
implies that we should start by adding almost all currently active
Committers to the Jakarta PMC.  That is something the PMC could do,
pro-actively, right now without further delay.  Taking that action would
mean that the majority of Committers would be on the PMC and general lists,
improving the ability of the PMC to represent a true consensus of where
Jakarta should go, and addressing a concern that we both share regard
educating the Committers about their oversight responsibilities.

Personally, I don't feel that a 400+ person PMC overseeing dozens of
codebases represents a truely functional solution, but we can give it a go.
It is my belief that subsequently more projects are going to want to seek
TLP status, and that we will be all the better for it in terms of oversight
and direct participation.  So the question remains whether Jakarta should
turn itself into a hub, so that when the subprojects acquire TLP status,
they aren't "forced" to leave the community.

> it's entirely up to us.

Exactly.  :-)

        --- Noel

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