> >> you haven't seen what the EU has been up to :)  Talk about
> >> over-regulation...
> >
> > LOL  :-)  OK, so it is a bad analogy.  I don't believe that either
> > Costin or
> > I live in the EU.
> I don't either.  I live in Connecticut, USA.
> I was always suspicious that something was amiss trying to integrate
> proud countries with long individual histories, but it was confirmed
> the first time I had to schelp from Terminal 4 to Terminal 3 at
> Heathrow just so I could pick up the bus to Reading, which used to stop
> at all 4 terminals, but stopped going to terminal 4 because EU regs
> said the total trip was too long.  The whole thing is something like an
> hour. :/

I live in the UK, so can comment ;-) The thing that I spot about the EU is
that is is often used as a scapegoat. When individual countries (or often
the media) wants to shift blame it is convenient. This comes about because
citizens of each country identify more with their own country than with the
EU. (Note: I believe that the EU does a lot of good, but it'll never be my

Perhaps the parallel is that a Struts 'citizen' identifies more with the
Struts 'country' than the Jakarta 'union'. Of course one key difference is
that we don't have the individual governments at the country/Struts level.


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