robert burrell donkin wrote:
if the new subproject is anything like the commons then each component
will have it's own development rhythm.

I think this is a cogent point... if the idea is that this is like a Commons project, than I have to ask the question: why not just have a few new Commons projects, as was my original proposal?

I originally started by suggesting a Commons Filters, because I had some filters I wanted to contribute. So far I think we've brainstormed something like 4-6 sort of "sub-packages" of this... If they are going to develop to their own rhythm as you say, then why not make each a Commons project, where there already largely is the "infrastructure" (in the larger sense) build up? That would seem to me the path of least (or at least lower) resistance, and maybe even a more appropriate fit.

It's a question of what the vision is of course... if everyone is thinking along the commons lines anyway, why not just do it in Commons?


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