On Thu, 23 Jun 2005, robert burrell donkin wrote:

On Thu, 2005-06-23 at 00:49 -0300, Felipe Leme wrote:
Apache Wiki wrote:

Please do not edit comments into this text: please use the 
> or post to  [http://jakarta.apache.org/site/mail.html General At

OK, here I am posting :-)

3.What about the Standard Taglibs? Should it be part of this new project
or should it be a separate project. The reasoning here is that, because
that sub-project provide the codebase for JSTL's implementation (and
maybe other JSR taglibs in the future as well, such as the Web Services
taglib), its development activities/cycles might be different from the
"non-standard" ones (we could even try to apply the TCK on such projects
in the future, for instance).

if the new subproject is anything like the commons then each component
will have it's own development rhythm.

it might be easier to raise extra hands when needed for these efforts if
these share the same infrastructure (mailing lists, subproject
organization and so on).


My vote is for the active Taglibs to roll into the web component subproject, but for the Standard/JSTL taglib to move to Jakarta subproject status.

Taglibs-user is dominated by JSTL questions and the JSTL committers don't have any obvious overlap with the other taglib committers (that I've noticed). Also in terms of codebase, Standard is the relative behemoth.

Lastly it has a much higher profile than other parts of web-component-subproject will have and as a spec implementation it has a different set of issues to deal with.


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