We're getting in a bit of a half-finished state with regards to location of things etc. Here's my list of things that it seems we need to get done. Nice and aggressive to cause consternation:

Finish moving Tomcat to TLP
Propose Slide to TLP
Move Commons HttpClient to SLP
Move Turbine JCS to SLP (might just be a mail list change now)
Move Taglibs Standard to SLP
Create WebXxx (name to be voted on)
Create a 'Graveyard' for dead projects
Create a 'Freezer' for stable projects
Kill Taglibs in favour of WebXxx
Aggressively clean Commons Sandbox
Finish SVN migrations (Turbine-3, POI, JMeter, Cactus)
Graveyarding of Alexandria
Freezing of ECS, ORO, Regexp.
BCEL/BSF challenged to show they shouldn't be considered frozen.
Work on policies for how to spot freezing/graveyard targets; BUT don't
  wait on this to create them

Additionally I'd like to propose:

Promoting Commons Sandbox to SLP as 'Jakarta Sandbox'.
+ All Jakarta committers given access, central management of the sandbox + concepts as opposed to individual SLP sandboxes (Taglibs, Commons, + Turbine probably has things which could have gone in a sandbox).

Deletion of all CVS/SVN karma (and subsequent re-addition upon request).
+  Clean up the very large lists of committers we have in each SLP.
+  Later the jakarta unix group can be sync'd to the SVN jakarta list.
+  Should spur a large-scale nomination of new PMC members.

Any thoughts?


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