On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Yoav Shapira wrote:

It'd be nice to have a "state of jakarta" wiki page with all this stuff: I
think much of it is already captured on other pages like the SVN migration

Create a 'Graveyard' for dead projects

We should start assembling a list of those.

SLPs are easy. Alexandria's the only one.

Then you get Commons components, Turbine modules, Taglibs and probably the occasional other bit to add.

Create a 'Freezer' for stable projects

What goes in this category?  Assuming no product is every perfect and
improvement always possible, and that we are always open to people rejuvenating
old projects, why not combine the Freezer and the Graveyard into one?

In my proposal the Graveyard is for dead projects. No official stable release, no users, nothing. All communication would be directed to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.

The Freezer is for inactive projects. Would have had releases, probably been very active at one point in time. The most important thing is that they would still have a user-base. [EMAIL PROTECTED] would still exist but the dev mailing list would be shutdown in favour of [EMAIL PROTECTED] ECS, ORO, Regexp leap to mind. BSF and BCEL too if their recent activity quietens down too much. Many parts of Taglibs/Commons too.

As you should all be reading my mind, I can't see why you didn't all know this already :)

Being able to freeze/unfreeze needs to be a pretty easy step. Like maybe we would just ask that emails to ecs-dev get automatically forwarded to general or something, instead of killing the list.

Deletion of all CVS/SVN karma (and subsequent re-addition upon request).
+  Clean up the very large lists of committers we have in each SLP.
+  Later the jakarta unix group can be sync'd to the SVN jakarta list.
+  Should spur a large-scale nomination of new PMC members.

Interesting idea. I'm not sure it would lead to a lot of PMC nominations versus just a lot of requests for karma restoration, but I'm not opposed to it.

Well, the idea is that once we get all the noise out of the way, it'll be very easy to see who is not on the pmc. In fact I'll probably arrange the subversion authorization groups to make that very obvious.

On karma requests, I'm volunteering to take the hit there. I figure it'll mean a week of getting lots of email to my private address, and then it would quieten down.


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