Brett Porter wrote:
On 8/10/05, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Promoting Commons Sandbox to SLP as 'Jakarta Sandbox'.
+  All Jakarta committers given access, central management of the sandbox
+  concepts as opposed to individual SLP sandboxes (Taglibs, Commons,
+  Turbine probably has things which could have gone in a sandbox).

I'd be interested to know how this works - I'm not sure unification
brings much to each of them, but it would allow a bit more oversight
by Jakarta as a whole as to each things health.

I am -0 on this, meaning I need to understand more what exactly it will accomplish and I have a couple of concerns. First I am worried that for j-c-s in particular, separation from j-c will make it harder for j-c-s projects to gain critical mass and "graduate" to commons proper.

Second, removed from a "parent" SLC, a sandbox becomes a tricky thing to provide effective overight for. The mentor and ppmc roles in the Incubator are there for a reason. I would actually be more concerned about oversight in an "aggregated" sandbox.

If we can implement the "cleanup" policies that we have been discussing on commons-dev, I think the j-c sandbox should continue to work fine as it is and in fact be a model for the other SLPs, each overseeing its own if desired. As I said, I need to understand better what problem we are trying to solve here.

Deletion of all CVS/SVN karma (and subsequent re-addition upon request).
+  Clean up the very large lists of committers we have in each SLP.
+  Later the jakarta unix group can be sync'd to the SVN jakarta list.
+  Should spur a large-scale nomination of new PMC members.

To save a bit of hassle I think you'll want to start by re-adding
anyone who committed to that project in the last 90 days, otherwise
that's a lot of requests :)

Yes, definitely. Here again, not sure exactly what problem we are trying to solve.


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