On Fri, 9 Jun 2006, Rahul Akolkar wrote:
On 6/9/06, Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Rahul Akolkar wrote:
> Per the umbrella concern, the question then becomes what -- if any --
> are the mitigating factors that can address such a concern with
> regards to this proposal. Based on Hen's email, seems like the ball is
> still in the board's court -- as we wait for the next meeting -- so
> maybe its premature to discuss if we should be trying to address those
> comments yet?
I would also like to understand exactly what the problem is and what
mitigating steps may be possible. In particular, I would very much
appreciate a definition of "umbrella" that allows Geronimo, Logging,
Jakarta Commons, DB, XML, Web Services and Struts, but somehow
disallows Testing.
While it may make sense to say something along those lines in a larger
context, I do not believe this can be part of any central argument
towards the cause.
Yep, this was the basis of my previously weak case. :)
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