On 6/6/06, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, 6 Jun 2006, Rahul Akolkar wrote:

> Per the umbrella concern, the question then becomes what -- if any --
> are the mitigating factors that can address such a concern with
> regards to this proposal. Based on Hen's email, seems like the ball is
> still in the board's court -- as we wait for the next meeting -- so
> maybe its premature to discuss if we should be trying to address those
> comments yet?

It's more in our court to come up with something to convince them I think.
I asked them a couple of times for a bit more in the way of info to bring
back, but didn't get a reply (by memory from the meeting wasn't very
good - it lasted 2.5 hrs).


I actually think of this as a two-step process:

Step 0: Convince you (Hen, the "messenger", seem a bit tentative at
this point?).

Step 1: Convince them.

The umbrella concern is genuine, IMO. The legend may possibly (pure
speculation) have also grown due to the fact that we said we won't
discriminate based on programming language. To me, the crux of
Felipe's answer to that question was the bit about an existing
community and developers willing to consistently (as consistent as you
can be on your own time) invest time into the project.

I think we have said that any codebase (beyond the seed set) that
comes into Testing will have to have:

a) A developer base willing to invest energies
b) Existing community (for any that get incubated in -- ofcourse, that
will be overseen by the Incubator as well)
c) Binding support that will look for (a) and (b), amongst other things

Do we agree on this? Any other comments?

Beyond that, IMO, it comes to having the board understand that we are
as discerning of the umbrella concern as they are. And that the
benefits seem to outweigh this concern.

Mostly I think we need to detail the cross-ASF interest in the idea.

Until now, we have seen interest from folks who are participants in
Jakarta, Tomcat and Tapestry (and possibly more, I didn't consult any
resource to check where all of the participants' interests lie). And I
suspect that is only because we haven't talked much about Testing
outside Jakarta (AFAIK). Towards the feedback in the initial email in
this thread then, IMO, this doesn't feel artificial (perhaps we need
some more clarification what that meant in the first place).


Otherwise Jakarta Test Components it is ;) [joke]


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