On 2/23/07, Martin van den Bemt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I prefer this vote to see where it should end up in Jakarta and based on
that result the path full
incubation / legal incubation is decided.

So in my view the vote should be :

[ ] Jakarta should sponsor (which effectively states we like to see the
code end up here)


[ ] Jakarta shouldn't sponsor (which effectively means it will end up TLP)

No, it means that it still needs to find a Sponsor before it can be accepted
into incubation. It says nothing about where it will end up after incubation
or even if it will start incubation.

if accepted in Jakarta, it should end up in :

This is not relevant. The final location of a project is not decided until
it is ready to _exit_ incubation, so it's more than a little premature to be
discussing this here.

[ ] commons as a component
[ ] httpcomponents as a component
[ ] subproject directly under Jakarta
[ ] integrate / merge code into project xxx (please replace x) (so not a
subcomponent of a project!)


[ ] I am willing to mentor (you need to be on the Incubator PMC / Member
of the ASF)
[ ] I want to get involved in coding
[X] No interest in getting involved.

Martin Cooper

Reasoning :

1) the first decides if Jakarta wants to sponsor this

2) we need to know the place it should end up in Jakarta (at least have some
kind of direction)
3) if no one is interested in getting involved or being a mentor
(preferably 3 mentors!), we can
easily see if option 1 and 2 are viable at all.

The problem with the current vote is that I have to start yet another vote
to let us sponsor and
where it should end up, best to do it in one go in my opninion...

So Martin and Ortwin could you please revote  ? (Sorry for the


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