
On Wednesday 27 September 2006 19:35, Daniel Iliev wrote:

> >
> > Don't use that flags. They are bad for amd64. Trust the devs, they know
> > better than you or me.
> Thank you very much for this reply. I'll follow your advise and remove
> the redundant flags.
> About trusting the devs - well, it depends. I trust them 100% if I need
> a rock stable system. In that case I would not dare to divert from any
> of the official instructions.
> BUT. Devs always tent to advertise the safest ways - this brings users
> no/less headaches and therefore less bug-reports ;-)
> My case however is slightly different - I'm talking about my home
> desktop which is dedicated for experiments and fun. So I'm not afraid to
> break the system here and rebuild it again. In this particular moment my
> purpose is to get the most out of the hardware no matter the stability.
> So I'll leave -O3 ;-)

if you really want to be adventurous, try frename-registers, fpeel-loops, fweb 
or ftree-vectorize. Or ftracer. But don't complain, if something does not 
built (I have a set of save flags, just to be able to build freeciv. With my 
stupid standard flags, gcc will ICE)
> BTW, Everyone,
> I'm observing something very interesting:
> I was told not to go gentoo-amd64 for it was not stable. I was told not
> to migrate because there were still many important programs pending to
> be ported. I read almost everywhere about headaches and breakages.
> Reading your replies in this thread also suggests strictly following the
> official way otherwise - problems.
> It is very strange - I was ready to meet tons of major problems but I
> haven't met a single one yet. It is my opinion that the possibility of
> problems on gentoo-amd64 is highly overrated. I installed it with no
> problems, I obviously have tweaked it a lot beyond normal and what I see
> is a perfectly working system. It appears that gentoo-amd64 team along
> with the GNU, linux-kernel and all other nice guys who provide free/open
> source software have done a great work and we owe them BIG THANKS. I
> just wonder how come that so many people talk about some non-existing
> problems.
> How come that still in my first try I have bootstrapped from stage3,
> made "emerge -e system", installed xfce4, gnome, firefox, thunderbird,
> and a bunch of other packages along with all their dependencies, then
> made "emerge -e world" and after all this compiling I had to do "emerge
> --resume" only once when some package wanted mysql build with -fpic
> flag. I'm I lucky or what? ;-)

maybe. When I switched from gcc3 to gcc4 I had to -e world.. and from the 
hundreds of packages 14 broke. 10 of them package.masked.

The problem: people with problems are very vocal, while the users without 
probs are silent.

So will see always lots of complaints, but almost never success stories.

I have not any more problems with my ~amd64 system than I had with my ~x86 
system. I would even postulate, that I have seen less breakage on ~amd64.
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