Jason Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Sun,
08 Oct 2006 02:29:46 -0600:

> thank you, bot or not...
> And I must apologize in advance: I run my mailserver off of a sometimes
> shaky satellite connection. I won't change this, until I have a colo, as
> my users, especially myself, will not be subjected to mail stored on a
> non-encrypted partition with strangers having access. That being said,
> sometimes I answer things that were answered an hour ago and look like a
> total fool. I'm a total fool for sure, but this is due to mailserver
> issues. Please have a little patience for this.... thanks,

Not a problem.  One of the neat things about mailing lists (and
newsgroups) is that often there will be multiple answers.  That's fine, as
everybody emphasizes different things and has different styles.  My
answers tend to be long and explain the background, teaching the ideas
behind the solution so one can fix similar problems on their own if they
see them again.  Others answer only the immediate question, in two
sentences.  The great thing is that the person asking (and anybody else
reading who hadn't asked but didn't yet know) gets to choose the reply
that works best for them.

As for OT "crap".  Same thing there.  As Simon Stelling said earlier, if
it's of no concern to you or bothers you, simply killfile that topic.  If a
particular poster consistently irritates you, simply killfile his posts.

Also, since you mentioned an inconsistent mail feed, perhaps this will be
of use to you.  I and a number of others participate in this group not
using mail, but as a newsgroup, using the services of gmane.org's
list2news gateway.  That's a better interface for me.  gmane also has a
web interface, presenting the list as a web forum, if that suits you
better than either the standard mail interface or gmane's news interface. 
Others use gmail for their public lists, figuring it's a widely circulated
public list anyway, so whatever gmail may profile from the list posts is
fine with them.  Given your statements about mail, that may not sit well
with you, just as using gmail for personal mail doesn't sit well AT ALL
with me.  However, I'd be open to using it for a list such as this, except
that I don't particularly like either web forums or webmail.  Anyway, just
letting you know a few of the other options out there.  Which option you
choose is up to you. =8^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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