You bring up an issue I wanted to ask about: Why wouldn't you use gmail
as your personal e-mail? I've heard people saying it's evil, and that
google is fascist, but I don't really know what to believe. Personally I
like the features that gmail offers, and I think it's great that it
stores all my mail ever sent so I can access my old e-mails still if my
hard drive gets wiped (which happens accidentally or not every month or
so). Thoughts? 

On Sun, 2006-10-08 at 10:51 +0000, Duncan wrote:
> Jason Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Sun,
> 08 Oct 2006 02:29:46 -0600:
> > thank you, bot or not...
> > And I must apologize in advance: I run my mailserver off of a sometimes
> > shaky satellite connection. I won't change this, until I have a colo, as
> > my users, especially myself, will not be subjected to mail stored on a
> > non-encrypted partition with strangers having access. That being said,
> > sometimes I answer things that were answered an hour ago and look like a
> > total fool. I'm a total fool for sure, but this is due to mailserver
> > issues. Please have a little patience for this.... thanks,
> Not a problem.  One of the neat things about mailing lists (and
> newsgroups) is that often there will be multiple answers.  That's fine, as
> everybody emphasizes different things and has different styles.  My
> answers tend to be long and explain the background, teaching the ideas
> behind the solution so one can fix similar problems on their own if they
> see them again.  Others answer only the immediate question, in two
> sentences.  The great thing is that the person asking (and anybody else
> reading who hadn't asked but didn't yet know) gets to choose the reply
> that works best for them.
> As for OT "crap".  Same thing there.  As Simon Stelling said earlier, if
> it's of no concern to you or bothers you, simply killfile that topic.  If a
> particular poster consistently irritates you, simply killfile his posts.
> Also, since you mentioned an inconsistent mail feed, perhaps this will be
> of use to you.  I and a number of others participate in this group not
> using mail, but as a newsgroup, using the services of's
> list2news gateway.  That's a better interface for me.  gmane also has a
> web interface, presenting the list as a web forum, if that suits you
> better than either the standard mail interface or gmane's news interface. 
> Others use gmail for their public lists, figuring it's a widely circulated
> public list anyway, so whatever gmail may profile from the list posts is
> fine with them.  Given your statements about mail, that may not sit well
> with you, just as using gmail for personal mail doesn't sit well AT ALL
> with me.  However, I'd be open to using it for a list such as this, except
> that I don't particularly like either web forums or webmail.  Anyway, just
> letting you know a few of the other options out there.  Which option you
> choose is up to you. =8^)
> -- 
> Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
> "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
> and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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