> I don't have any issue with Gentoo wanting to know names at all, but
> requiring
> ID proof of names for someone who will be *volunteering* is quite
> different.

Sure, and if I *volunteer* to help with the local library booksale,
showing my ID isn't important.

When I'm *volunteering* on something that people use and has a greater
impact on the community at large, ID becomes more important.

Have you ever given blood?  I *volunteer* my time doing it, and they
certainly ask a lot more intrusive things than just to see my ID.

The point is, when you're an organization and you take donations and
volunteer time as part of the service you provide, you owe it to the
community you service to verify the quality of the products you provide -
part of that comes from the identity of those who provide them.

Since signing someone's key provides a trickle down effect to all of the
keys that they have signed a well, there needs to be some assuredness that
the potential script-kiddie 5 keysigns away from me wasn't loosely
verified just because someone knew his e-mail address.

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