On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 21:51:42 +0000, Luke-Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > When I'm *volunteering* on something that people use and has a greater
> > impact on the community at large, ID becomes more important.
> Identification does, maybe, but identification of abilities, not
> identification of name.

Err, have you ever actually worked for any kind of voluntary
organisation? They need to know *who* you are, whether you have a
criminal record etc. otherwise how can they keep track of their staff
and check whether it's safe for you to work with the public/other
staff? Ok, working in a charity shop might not mean bringing down your
passport, birth certificate, driving license and a signature from a
notary public, but they still need to know who you are as well as what
you're capable of.

> You make too many assumptions. I would procmail them into a folder, not a
> trash. I am requesting them by default because they can be useful for people
> who don't reply to every email they receive, and I'm unaware of any mail
> program that has the ability to have a different default for mailing lists.

How many people do you know who actually reply to *every* email they
receive? Even excluding spam, I know I don't reply to more than about
50% of my normal incoming mail, less than that when I'm on mailing
lists. Why on earth is it useful for us for you to send us
notification requests when you're the only one who benefits from it?

> This is the last time I will reply to a message directed toward me under the
> name Linda. I do not recognize that as my name in any sense.

You obviously have no sense of humour then.


Rogue Tory

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