On Monday 06 June 2005 11:29 pm, Dylan Carlson wrote:
> On Monday 06 June 2005 19:45, Collins Richey wrote:
> > 2. Enterprise users (as a general rule) are not interested in the
> > latest and greatest but rather in a stable, reasonably current system
> > that can remain in place (with guaranteed security fixes, of course)
> > with no "feature creep" for a few years. Even Gentoo stable is too
> > much of a moving target for such users. The user base (engineers
> > developing embedded Linux) I support is still well served by RH9 for
> > the most part!
> "Feature creep" is largely a problem upstream, not with package
> maintainers.  And no, we're not gonna backport anything.  If people really
> believe that backporting fixes = stable and/or secure, let them use RH.
> It's a belief, nothing more.

you really cant make that kind of general statement and expect it to hold ... 
often times there are packages where newer versions suck more than previous 
ones (the way in which they suck i leave up to your imagination) ... 
security/stable minded people are often served best by ripping out the small 
fixes for the current 'most stable' version

and i'm talking bugfixes here, not feature backports like redhat is known 
for ... these are two very different things afterall
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