On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 01:56:40PM -0500, Mark Loeser wrote:
> Seems people read this to mean that I was going to write a doc, which I have
> no intentions on doing.
I don't think a whole doc is necessary, but instructions for a safe
upgrade would be fine. A think a one-liner like
emerge -u gcc && emerge -e system && emerge -e world && emerge -P gcc
&& emerge whateverneedstobedoneafterwards should suffice as documentation.

> I believe adding "It is recommended that you `emerge
> -e system && emerge -e world` after merging gcc-3.4" to the einfo at the end
> of the gcc-3.4.4 install should be good enough. 
Maybe people look closer if they upgrade gcc, but einfo still gets
overlooked easily.

> So, let me know if marking it stable in the next day or two is completely 
> stupid and I should wait to announce this via the GWN or something, or if its 
> an alright move and people aren't going to stab me for marking it stable.
Assuming a clear upgrade path is provided i think it would be
fine. We'll make some sticky thread on the forum mentioning that
instructions, i bet it couldn't hurt to put them on the gentoo
mainpage, as topic in #gentoo etc. I'm also pretty sure next GWN is
likely to report about the update.
Just because we haven't got emerge --news it doesn't mean we haven't
got lots of ways to reach our users. Every user that gets to read them
in time is a potential bug report less.


Wernfried Haas (amne) - amne at gentoo dot org
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